Friday, May 1, 2009


Yes, finally done. One of the businesses I will be doing will be trading under car hunters.

What we do here, is hunt for your car.

You call me let me know what car you want and I search for it for you.

Also with finance and insurance can be handled.

So email me at, I bet you I will help you.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Starting a new business

Okay... finally... I just had to do this. Start my own business. I am excited and scared. Not scared that it will not work.... but rather scared because I am just too excited about it.

But let me tell you... I have no idea where to start. I ahve started where ever I could.. but I wish somebody could give a guiding hand so that what i have started can become bigger than my thoughts.

By the way this is one of my resolutions.

My business is pretty simple.... but I want to make sure I miss not a thing and make it happen.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Like many... I have made resolutions. And this time I have 13 of them... I am working hard to get all of them done. I will keep you posted on what they are. But by 1st Feb... they all have to be in progress.

What are you doing to get your going?

Monday, December 29, 2008


I am about to do something great, something big... and 2009 should be my year. I have had lots of great year, but this one... this one... has to be the year I stand out. Accomplish more... take substantial risks.

So keep watching... for Ntao is still here

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I think for those who are self employed, they wonder why soem of us still rely on a salary. Wait anxiously or patiantly for payday.

I for one want to break out of that dependancy. Of that perfect reliabilty that a specific amount of money will be in my account on a specific day and time.

I want to have the guts to take the risks. Earn what i work for. Earn what my intelligence... or lack of it... can provide.

It is not an easy thng to do... but a risk worth taking.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


In all honesty, why do people marry?

Monday, September 1, 2008

Love and War... or Fear

At times, I wonder why I am with the one I love.
Because sometimes I feel like it is not love.
Its like fear to be alone. Fear to lose your love.

I think I need you more than I should.
And I am trying not to love more than i i want to.
And yet to love unrestricted is the ultimate freedom.

But why does my heart seek assuarance?
Why does my mind seek constant confirmation,
When you are here for me always. Loving me always,

Ya... love, why can't it just come by its own?
No fear, no doubts. Just love alone.