Tuesday, November 13, 2007



I read the paper that trevor Manuel wants to hold the 1st world countires accountable for the promoses they have made towards South Africa.

Do they really have to keep their promises?
For how long will those countries owe Africa for what tey did to it?
Is it not time Africa stood on its feet... made its own money and monopolised itself?

Mugabe is still crying for what was promised. And he thinks more is owed. But it seems that promises are made when the time to say them is perfect.
are there conditions to these promises? Conditions which are kept away from the curious minds like mine?
We only fed a promise but not the premise?

But, shoot me if you must... but I feel it is time we stood on our own.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

In love .... what?

In love… what?

Okay, a bit of thinking again. Do we really just fall in love or do we find ourselves with people who just make it easy to be loved. Laugh at our. I was blessed with such. What I believe mad me crazy was the fact that somebody understood me. Understood the dry sense of humour that I have. Saw the joke in my sarcasm. Drank as much alchohol as I did and discussed existentialism…. Never mind the fact that we failed 3rd year of Philosophy.

So what happens when we fall in love? Is it somebody who somehow embodies all the qualities of friends we had when we were younger? Somebody who at some level reminds us of that particular sexy lady who one would catch a glimpse of every time she stepped off the train. In that spantsula outfit, and them high heels and … yeah… you know the first person you appreciated at level that was unusual.

Before I mumble further, I have forgotten the purpose of this topic.

But, I would like to know about that lady… please, do tell about how you would miss out on McGyver and The A Team, just to see her…

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Mbeki the coward?

Can we say our president is making decissions that are just too hard to compreehend.
the decissions he has been maing lately seem as if somebody is pulling his strings. Like another power game is at play.
Will this not harm the ANC? Will this not harm democracy as we have grown accustomed to it?
Praises have to be hurled towards those who are in favour of the string pullers, and criticism and the butter is pulled away from the person.

Did the president not say that the next president could be a woman? he was so lambasted for that view. And now the only name that seem to be getting showved in our midst is that of jacob Zuma. Whether he will make good presiden or not... if the power people want him there... there he shall be. Unless the people vote for another party.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I decided to do a research on powerful women o f South Africa... the one name that kept popping up was that of Dr Anna Mokgokong. So I though it qwould do me best to read more about the woman.
This lady is hardly ever in the media, and so are like many powerful women like her.
Although Felicia Mabuza Subtle is in the media... I never knew of her millions... her multiple business alliance.

With so many powerful women in South Africa, why would people need to look outside for motivation?

There is Wendy Luhabe, Nana Ditodi (no personal information about this woman) Mboya Sowazi, Aquina Thulare, and we all know Naledi pandor...

Whata powerful country we have.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Are they not fascinating.
They sit there, plan one thing.
Do another to create mass diverssion, and do the act that they want us to not notice.
That is what is happening with the Manto Msimang issue....

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Do the reverse

I am realisng that people who say we should not judge are the ones who judge themost. They are usually the ones who cannot accept other people's views.
Quite rigid in their perceptions.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007


I have noticed that people are sensitive around certain topics. It is as if you are supposed to notice and keep mum about the things. Sometimes we need to shake up things. Discuss issues that even though we think we are open minded, we let them go under the carpet. Dust off the carpet... lets talk.

Monday, June 25, 2007

So many sex partners?

Okay what is this thing with certain people's inability to say no. Its like they want they want their performance to be known. Is it... maybe ... they feel that should they turn down a sexual offer from an attractive lady... they could be called sissy?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Jealousy when others change...?

Why is it that if we know change is the only thing that is constant, and we always changing... why is hard to accept change in others?
People grow, grow towards us or away from us? Easy to accept if they are growing towards us, because that means that te friensdip is strong... but when somebody grows away.... why is it easy to write them off?
A person could return to us, in a better position to explain what they were going through?
Could it be jealousy... because they could be changing for the better?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Sometimes i feel that we are who others want us to be, as much as I we want to believe we are independant. We are made of a soceity... and our thinking is therefore influenced by them...
Now how far could this extension be blamed?
Do we learn to love somebody who soceity has subtly taught us ot love?

Friday, June 8, 2007


Aren't we all controversial. Especially when an unusual situation arises, we can do that which we do not believ in. Like fighting fo thieves when we believe we are peaceful.